CME Ventures Case Study

How Abroad Helped CME Ventures become one of the highest performing teams at CME Group.

CME Group is the world’s leading derivatives marketplace, made up of four exchanges: CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX. CME Ventures is the corporate venture capital and strategic investment arm of CME Group focused on building and managing a portfolio of external minority equity investments.

CME Ventures acts as a bridge between core CME Group businesses and external partners to inform a firm-wide understanding of emerging market structure changes while investing in key areas of opportunity. The team’s primary goal is to drive quantifiable strategic growth and shareholder value across all areas of the firm.

At the beginning of the pandemic, CME Ventures was bringing together a new team under the leadership of Brian Zboril, a finance industry veteran with 30+ years of experience in the futures industry. Brian is a human-centered leader, and he realized he needed to invest in personal and team development for his new team as they operated in a 100% virtual environment. The goals of our engagement were as follows:

  • Build virtual team cohesion

  • Better communicate and demonstrate the value of CME Ventures within CME Group

  • Developing the leadership capacity within CME Ventures team members

The Abroad Coaching Program Included the Following Elements:

  • Scientific Awareness - The team began by taking our proprietary psychometric assessment designed by a team of executive coaches and psychologists to uncover blind spots and celebrate bright spots in relation to self-awareness, team cohesion, and leadership. Everyone took the awareness assessment again after 6-months of coaching to track shifts in mindset, awareness, and leadership capabilities. 

  • 360s – The executives received comprehensive 360 reports to ensure no opportunities for growth or development were missed.

  • 1:1 Coaching - All team members received bi-weekly individual coaching sessions.

  • Team Coaching - We hosted monthly team sessions to address areas for improvement from the aggregate team assessment results.

Team Assessment Results

Next Steps

After generating these evidenced-based results, the CME Ventures team members are continuing their individual coaching and have been participating in Abroad’s formal Breakthrough and Evolution Programs offered on the Abroad platform. The goal of the programs is to teach all team members a mindfulness-based approach to learning that will support them in addressing any challenges and opportunities that arise in their life and leadership without the support of individual coaching.

We invite you to schedule a call with one of Abroad's people executives to explore how we might be able to support you with your individual, team, and organizational development efforts. You can reach a member of our team by e-mailing us at:


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